Thursday, March 24, 2011

Natural Nech Care Beauty

Your neck should be treated with as much tender care as your face. If you neglect your neck, it will show your age, no matter how marvellous your facial skin is. Neck should be kept as clean as your face and nourishing creams you use for your face should also be used for your neck. The appearance of neck depends on the way you hold your head. The correct posture is to hold your head high and chin up. If you have a faulty posture, the result will be double chin.
Neck needs some special treatment:
  1. Whenever you wash your face wash your neck also.
  2. If you apply a foundation and powder on your face don’t neglect your neck otherwise there will be sharp contrast between the two and your overall appearance will be spoilt.
  3. Cream your neck and throat daily at night with upward motion with a good nourishing cream.
  4. Lemon juice acts as a natural cleanser for your skin. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and wipe neck area.
  5. Massage natural Aloe Vera gel to get rid of the impurities on your skin.
  6. Yogurt mixed with oatmeal and massaged helps remove dead cells.
  7. Cucmber juice when applied and left to dry for an hour before washing will make neck skin smooth and soft.
  8. Almond powdered and mixed with milk also makes a good pack for a soft supple neck.
  9. Melt equal quantities of butter, lanolin, olive oil and water over a double boiler and store in fridge and massage regularly.  
  10. For whitening and softening the skin of the neck, make a skin tonic by mixing 3 teaspoons of borax powder, 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 cup of rose water. Mix all and store in fridge and daily massage for a few minutes before bath.
  11. For a nourishing homemade overnight cream, mix equal parts of lanolin and butter. Beat them throughly in a double sauce pan over boiling water and store in fridge. Before retiring to bed massage on the neck and shoulder region for a few minutes and leave it overnight.
A few simple exercises to keep your neck in good shape :
  1. Breathe slowly and bring your neck to rest on the chest. Then raise your head slowly and bend it backwards as far as you can. Repeat it at least ten times daily.
  2. Breathe deeply and turn your neck on your left side as far as you can without moving your shoulders and body. Then turn on to your right side the same way. Repeat this exercise also ten times daily.

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